JacQUELine Thomas & I met our freshman year at Connelly High School (Go Cadets!) in Wakko, TX. This makes her my "oldest" friend as she's the only one I've managed to stay close to for more than a decade. We had a couple of classes together, but the one where we really bonded was our Theater Arts class. Our teacher, Mr. Moore, was kinda weird & resembled a sausage link. I'm sure he's really a great person, & as an adult I'm sure I'd get along great with him, but when you're 14, you're sort of expected to be cruel.
Anyway, we only spent our first semester in Mr. Moore's class & seized the opportunity to jet out of there second semester. We decided to join Jr. ROTC (Air Force) in it's place. ROTC was fun, but to be honest, the class was a joke. There was a little store where we could buy junk food to eat during class; we watched a lot of videos; we talked about everything under the sun but airplanes, the military, & aerodynamics. Every Wednesday we wore these rad air force uniforms - everyone else only wished they looked as cool as we did. It was awesome.
Our friend Priscilla was very superstitious & Jackie & I would frequently walk on either side of her so she would be forced to split with one of us when we passed poles. You're supposed to say "Bread & Butter" to avoid the bad luck pole-splitting brings upon you, but we told her the saying was "Bread & Water." I know it sounds lame now, but it's was fantastically funny to do this to Priscilla. She often told us, "I hate y'all!" when we did it.
Jackie & I also had Spanish together with Mrs. Lopez, AKA Señorita Satan. Jackie couldn't roll her r's. A few of us would roll r's in front of her just to drive her crazy. I recall a conversation with her several years later, well after high school, when she told me on the phone that she could roll her r's now. She was so excited & made me listen to her achievement. Congratulations Crackie!
Lisa Ramirez & I would bite into popsicles with our front teeth around Jackie too. She hated that! It was hysterical to see her cringe each time - it never got old.
We were inseparable. Best friends. Then I moved away to Maryland the beginning of our junior year, but we kept in touch & remained close for long after that. Over time though, it seemed we grew distant, but at each visit, we just picked up where we left off. That's a good solid friendship :)
There were so many stories & memories made during the course of our friendship, but not enough hours in a day to share them all.
Well, Jackie, I've been so blessed to call you my friend & although we don't talk often, I'm glad to know you are always there. You will always be me negra & I will always be tu blanca. Happy birthday!
(P.S. You really need to move to Baltimore....)