Monday, July 23, 2007

Thanks, But No Thanks
Formerly, "On Life, Babies, & Walking on Eggshells"

We went to the OC Fair with Jason's brother, Jon, & his wife, Molly, on Saturday. It was nice hanging out with them, as we don't usually see them much. Toward the end of our evening, I commented that we were seriously thinking about trying for baby #2 soon. Molly froze & gave me this shocked look - her eyes wide, eyebrows raised & jaw slightly ajar.
She, along with a handful of other people, have responded, "Again?!" or "You're crazy!" upon my mentioning of baby #2.

Another great example of this reaction occurred back in May; Jason's parents, Jon, Molly, Jason & I were having brunch before his parents left to go back to Maryland. Molly stated, "We [she & Jon] were thinking about this second baby - where do plan to put it? Your place is too small for another one." I replied that we'd make room for it. Ed, Jason's dad, said, "Don't have another baby yet. You don't have room. Jason's not done with school yet, let 'em finish & then you can have another baby."

One of my co-works (who has 2 of his own kids) has said to me a couple of times, "You think this is hard, wait until you have another one." Another co-worker, when the subject arises, usually tells me I'm crazy for wanting another baby now.

I appreciate everyone's concern for our well being & I know their intentions are good, but it is a little frustrating that they so freely give their unsolicited advice. Thanks, but no thanks. Can't a girl get some support for a change?? I think my sister is the only one who is excited for us to have another baby now - thanks Danielle! - at least, she's the only one who has given us a sincere "Woohoo!"

What others often forget is that you're pregnant for 9 whole months - nearly an entire year. Not to mention the months it takes trying to actually get pregnant. By the time baby #2 gets here, Solomon would be around 2 years old, give or take a few months. I think 2 years is a good amount of time between children.
I'm young & I'm going to keep having babies for a little while. I will not put my life on hold or stifle my desires just because of others' opinions. I choose to have babies because my Beloved & I love each other so much that we desperately want to make something out of our abundant love with which we can share - our children. The only other person who could possibly affect how many children I bear & when is Jason. It's my life & I will spend it how I choose. Do me a favor, though - should I ever try to dictate, influence, or otherwise affect your decision on how you should spend your God ordained days, please stop me & remind me of this moment.


Dani said...

Okay now I feel a little selfish...I just want more nieces/nephews! I didn't even think about your house size, yadda yadda =) But if you and Jason are ready and God gives you another child, He also has a plan in mind. I still say go for it, I think having two children is AWESOME, I know you desire more and that's great too! I moved my blog to, you have to check it out, it's pretty cool!

Maria said...

i believe I sent a sincere WOOHOO your way as well, AF.