Thursday, July 24, 2008

Not Just In My Head After All

I had my 34 week checkup today with my OB/GYN. I told her about the nonstop crying, overeating, feeling miserable, etc. & she immediately became very solemn & said I should be on medication. She told me that I'm at risk for postpartum depression (I'm clearly suffering from some type of pregnancy-induced depression now) & once the placenta is delivered & my hormones plummet, it will only get worse. She gave me a prescription for Zoloft in low doses & said that I should be feeling significantly better the next time she sees me in 2 weeks. As I expected would happen, upon telling Jason he was very skeptical of the diagnosis or that the medicine would help me (based on his own experiences with antidepressants). It's really frustrating because I feel like he thinks I'm exaggerating my symptoms; I feel very alone in this & that I'm not getting his support. I know that compassion & empathy are not his gifts but his attitude about it certainly isn't helping my situation. Hopefully the medicine will balance me out so that I can be a better wife & mother soon.

(And, yes, Maria, I will acknowledge that you've told me more than once to join a mom's group because that will provide a lot of support for me & fun for Solomon. I'm not going to rush to do that now but will definitely check some out after the baby is born.)


Maria said...

I'm glad you got something to make you feel better! (And a bunch of Moms would make you feel better too! And they would probably buy you flowers when you give birth--don't wait to long, Momma)

Dani said...

I wish I could be there, or you could be here. Reading this just made me all teary eyed. I hope you are feeling better really soon. I agree that having some mommy friends could help too. Call me anytime you need to talk!

Maria said...

Can you believe I spelled "too" wrong? OMG! Where are the grammer police when you need them!?