Friday, October 17, 2008

Could This Truly Be The End of Bedtime Battles??

Yesterday I bought a gate for Solomon's bedroom door so he couldn't run out anymore (got the idea from Sue's blog :) ). It is taller than our other gate & sturdy plastic, with smaller holes, so I thought it would be impossible for him to crawl over it. Well, I was wrong. He could still climb over. Jason tried locking it in the door frame a few inches above the floor to add height. Again, he still escaped. Fed up I went & got our other gate & locked it in above the plastic one -- it was like a toddler prison cell, but it worked! Once he realized there was no way around it this time, he finally retreated to bed & didn't make another peep. I didn't put the second gate up at nap time today & he actually stayed in bed anyway. Yippee!! Maybe this is the answer! :)


Maria said...

We are BIG fans of the "double gate" here. I have to double gate the kitchen to keep the dogs in and the children out!

unclechopchop said...

Amanda what you figured out was pavlovian; it's called classical conditioning. Read a book; geez. Just kidding; congrats!