You kept pacing your cage, following us back & forth, back & forth, calling to us, "Pick me! Pick me!" After interacting with a few other cats, I said, "Well, let's check out these guys here. This one keeps calling to us, so maybe this is it." They took you, Gabe, Jason & me into a little room so that we could meet you formally. Gabe just kinda sat there, keeping his distance, disinterested in the whole ordeal. But you.... you were so affectionate! How could we say no to you? So we brought you home.
You were my baby for the first 2 years. You slept on my head every night & I loved it. Until we had a baby & sleep was scarce. I'm really sorry to have kicked you out of our room like that but I needed what little sleep I was getting & you sleeping on my head interfered with that. I didn't love you any less though. I hope you knew that.
As the family attention whore, your affection was annoying at times. Honestly, a lot of the time. As much as I loved you I wished you were content just being nearby, like Gabe, rather than on me 24/7. Seriously, if you could've lived inside me somehow, you would've. You always acted like a kitten, so spry & playful. No one would've ever guessed you were 14.
You were such a wonderful pet & I'm sorry I wasn't a better pet owner. I could've loved you better. I'm glad you didn't know the difference & loved me unconditionally, regardless of how I treated you (which wasn't bad.... it just could've been better). No pet could ever replace you & you will always hold a very special place in my heart. Hmm. Maybe you did get inside me afterall, hehe :) Goodbye kitty. I love you so very much & will miss your persistent, annoying cuddling.

Our Sweet Lucy
1995 - 3/4/09
1995 - 3/4/09
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