I received the below email this morning & honestly, it got me a little riled up. (Pretty long, sorry.)
September 25, 2009
Islamic Day of Prayer at the White House
Dear Friends, We received this email today and feel that it is important enough to pass along to you. We need to continue to pray for our nation like never before! |
In June 2007, Presidential candidate Barack Obama declares theUSA no longer a Christian nation. In 1952 President Truman established one day a year as a National Day of Prayer. In 1988, President Reagan designated the first Thursday in May of each year as the National Day of Prayer. This year however, President Obama, decided to cancel the ceremony at the White House not wanting to offend anyone. On September 25, 2009 from 4am until 7pm, a National Day of Prayer for the Muslim religion will be held on Capitol Hill, beside the White House. As a Christian, it makes me really wonder where the REAL direction of this country is headed. Whether you didn't vote for the man or you did, as Christians I would surely hope that this would stir your spirit. They are expecting over 50,000 muslims that day in DC. The website is: www.islamoncapitolhill.com
Pay particular attention on the website to the bottom of the page where it states, "OUR TIME HAS COME." 2 Chronicles 7:14 says "if my people, who are called by my name,will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." becomes more important each day. Perhaps all the things going on now in this country and around the world could be solved if we would heed this scripture.
If you feel that this is an important issue, please feel free to make your friends and family aware. If not, delete it. Just a few thoughts to ponder on. God Bless
~If this upsets you, we have no one to blame except the Christians who haven't prayed.
~I've heard many complaints about the direction that our country is taking, many people are upset with President Obama and our government officials, but the truth is the only people to blame are we Christians who haven't chased hard after our God. This is a spiritual battle that will become a natural battle if we don't pray.
My thoughts: - First of all, why can't the Muslims have their day of prayer? This is America. Freedom of religion. If I, as a Christian, am allowed to have a day of prayer to my God, why can't a Muslim?
- This day of prayer isn't really "at the White House." It's at Capitol Hill. The event also hasn't in any way been organized or sanctioned by the government. It's totally independent & not really political, other than the fact that the aim is to pray for our nation.
- Hassen Abdellah, the organizer, stated, "Most of the time, when Muslims go to Washington D.C., they go there to protest some type of event. This is not a protest. Never has the Islamic community prayed on Capitol Hill for the soul of America. We're Americans. We need to change the face of Islam so people don't feel every Muslim believes America is 'the great Satan,' because we love America." (via snopes.com -- I went there first to check the facts as I assumed some of what this email said was misleading/misguided. The link will take you to "Islam on Capitol Hill.") So, Muslims love America. Who woulda thunk it? Abdellah's words really hit home for me. I am guilty of rarely praying for our government & country. I can't say I've uttered "I love America" very often (I do love it, for the record).
- I also can't say I completely disagree with Obama's statement that America is no longer a Christian nation. It's a melting pot, for sure, made up of such a vast variety of people, of which only a portion is Christian. What exactly makes a nation a "Christian" nation? If there really is a such thing as separation of church & state, then our nation shouldn't be labeled as any type of religious nation, in my opinion.
- I think emails like this promote fear & hatred. And I'm not sure why we Christians often feel this way. What is so threatening about this day of prayer? It isn't jeopardizing my rights, freedoms or my faith. There is no reason to fear or to hate; consider Paul's words in Romans 8, verses 28-39. No follower of Christ is ever really in danger.
- I'm not really sure what the beef with Obama is regarding all this either. I know he didn't have the annual Day of Prayer ceremony at the White House, but it isn't like everyone else couldn't observe it. I reiterate, Islam on Capitol Hill hasn't been endorsed or anything by the government. So I particularly have a real problem with this portion of the email: "As a Christian, it makes me really wonder where the REAL direction of this country is headed. Whether you didn't vote for the man or you did, as Christians I would surely hope that this would stir your spirit. They are expecting over 50,000 muslims that day in DC."
Let them have their day of prayer. Pushing our beliefs on others does not lead them to Christ. |
1 comment:
Amanda, I don't think the problem is so much with Muslims having a day of prayer as it is for a self-professed Christian president to cancel the Christian's day of prayer not to offend anyone (at least that's how I am reading it). Also, as Christians it is our responsibility to defend our faith. True, we may no longer be a Christian nation, but it doesn't change the fact we have these responsibilities to our faith and God. I agree maybe it shouldn't have been addressed in such a negative light, but I don't know if you realize, but for a long time Christians have been losing their rights and are being ignored because it's apparently okay to upset Christians (since we're so forgiving) and let the rest of the world such as atheists, muslims, etc. have their way. I feel like people sometimes quote the Bible, but tend to miss the bigger picture. I embrace my faith, but I shouldn't be vilified because I don't accept these lifestyles and religions as true. Just a thought (a long one, but a thought nonetheless).
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