Thursday, July 31, 2008

Discipline Should Always Be This Easy

Solomon absolutely loves to jump on the couch. Though he's hurt himself plenty of times doing so, it doesn't deter him. We've tried several approaches to get him to stop but all have been less than successful: talking plainly & calmly, yelling, spanking, ignoring, timeout. Nothing works on this kid. Jason told me Solomon was jumping on the couch again last night & Jason told him to stop because it was bad. Solomon proceeded to grab his brush & smack his own bottom with it, saying, "Bad!" to himself! I hate disciplining - it makes me sad - so if Solomon will spank himself, by all means, go ahead child. Maybe he'll listen to himself better than he listens to us...

1 comment:

Dani said...

Oh my, I know I shouldn't laugh but he is so darn funny.