Thursday, August 02, 2007

I Pay Too Much Money to Put Up With This

I am furious with Solomon's day care. For the past couple of weeks, I have heard from his teacher daily that his diaper rash is bad & bleeding. While it is true his bottom has been raw & sore, I do not think it is a coincidence that over the weekend it heals & by Tuesday we are right back where we started. I see my kid for about a half hour in the morning when I get him ready & take him to day care, & again in the afternoon from about 4:30pm until he goes to bed around 7. He's at day care from 6:30am to 4:30pm each day. Who would you think is at fault in this equation? You do the math. I cannot battle a diaper rash when I see my kid 3 hours a day. Perhaps, in their defense, it is because I use Butt Paste at home, whereas they have been using Aquaphor.

In addition to the diaper rash, he has developed a mild cough the past few days. Again, each day I hear about it, as though I am deaf & cannot hear it myself. I told the teacher once already that he has a doctor's appointment next week & we will address it then. A little cough is not grounds to rush him to the ER.

As though the comments aren't bad enough, this teacher feels the need to write it on his daily sheet. Today read, "Once again Solomon's bottom was bleeding & really red. Coughing is getting worse!" Could she be any more condescending? This is a prime example of her usual notes.

I think it's quite obvious I am a terrible parent & should not be allowed to have more children.

1 comment:

Dani said...

You are an AWESOME mom!!